16.12.2014 | 11:10
"Unusual Sports" enskuverkefni
Ég og félagi minn vorum ađ gera enskuverkefni sem heitir "Unusual Sports". Viđ völdum "Athletics" eđa frjálsaríţróttir.
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Athletic is just running, walking, jumping and throwing. Its a solo sport and you compete against others. Athletic are divided by many little sports like: high jump, triple jump, shot put, long jump, pole vault, hammer throw ect.. In the Olympics, most of the sports are athletics. High jump is all about jumping as high as you can, triple jump and long jump is all about jumping as long as you can, shot put is about throwing a heavy ball as long as you can, pole vault is about using a long pole to get you as high as you can, hammer throw is all about throwing a hammer as long as you can, long race is about racing on a long track and sprint is about running faster than the others. So as you can see its all about running, walking, jumping and throwing. People that are in soccer go in athletics to train there body so they can get better in soccer and its really working out for them. In one country in Africa they live so high in the mountains and the air is so light that they can handle more running then most people, the fastest people are from there.
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.